takes a close look at the facts and circumstances of your case, prior to creating a customized approach to each legal matter. Focusing on your legal goals, we never lose sight of the varied and significant details that compose your case. We use our vast knowledge and experience to focus on creative problem solving, and utilize the most cost effective and efficient strategy, to accomplish your legal objectives. We approach each case with extreme care and concern, keeping you involved each and every step of the way. We are zealous and compassionate advocates, as we counsel you through the entire legal process.
  Practice Areas

Read the MCCA article “Generational Perspectives: Balancing the Scales” featuring the Koslow Law mother /
daughter team.
(click here to read the article)

Glenridge Highlands, Building One : 5555 Glenridge Connector, Suite 675 : Atlanta, Georgia 30342 | Tel: 404.872.0900 | Fax: 404.872.0404